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Wow! Your little one’s arrival is approaching fast. As excited as you might be, you’re probably also a little overwhelmed thinking of all the baby gear you’ll need. And as we all know about newborn babies, they don’t come with a manual to make it easy.
You’ve got a lifetime of magical moments ahead of you, but for now – you just need the essentials. As the home to all things baby, we’ve created the ultimate newborn checklist to help.
Like a good scout, being prepared is the key to success when having a baby. And even though they occasionally throw you a curveball, getting the basics checked off your newborn checklist is the best place to start.
Some baby items are must-haves, and others are nice-to-haves. To ensure you get all the important stuff done first, we’ve divided the essential baby gear into categories that are easy to check off.
One of the most exciting things to do while waiting for your little one to arrive is to set up their nursery and dream about what’s to come. Tick these items off your newborn checklist to help them get the most restful sleep possible.
A newborn-safe and suitable cot or bassinet for all their sleep and snoozes.
Rocking chair or otherwise, having somewhere you can sit for feeding and soothing your baby makes a world of difference.
Somewhere to store clothes and accessories if you don’t have a cupboard in their nursery.
Change mat or table:
A safe place to change nappies and clothes.
Your newborn’s pyjamas should be comfortable, warm, and safe.
range of sleepwearis made with soft, organic cotton and designed for a peaceful sleep. Discover our onesies and sleepsuits, all made for snuggling up for the night (or a cheeky nap).
White noise machine:
Totally optional, but many parents swear by these. A white noise machine keeps the background noise at bay and can bring a sense of calm to the nursery as your baby falls asleep.
Baby monitor:
Today’s baby monitors make it a cinch to keep an eye (and ear) on your little one. When your baby arrives, they deliver a priceless peace of mind.
Swaddles and sleeping bags:
To promote safe sleeping, your newborn shouldn’t sleep with anything loose in the cot. So, using swaddles and sleeping bags is the safest approach. It's a good idea to have a few of these!
Your baby will spend most of their time earthside enjoying plenty of nourishment. Whether you plan on breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or doing a bit of both, these baby feeding essentials have you covered.
Breast pads:
Absorbent pads that go between your breasts and clothing to soak up leaks.
Nursing bras:
Bras made especially for breastfeeding? Yes, please.
Nursing-friendly clothes:
Choose clothes that give your baby easy access to the breast and ones you feel comfortable wearing postpartum.
Breast pump:
Plan on pumping? A quality, efficient breast pump makes a world of difference. Consider storage bags and containers, too.
Feeding app:
Keep track of how long your newborn feeds for, and which side you fed from last—a lifesaver when you’re running low on sleep.
4-6 bottles:
Large and small sizes offer a good combination for a newborn baby.
Newborn size teats:
Ensure you get a suitable flow for their age.
Bottle brushes:
These are used to clean the bottles before sterilising them.
They may be small, but they can certainly go through a lot of clothes. Your little one should have some staples in a few different sizes, considering their expert ability to outgrow their clothes in record time. Add these baby clothes to your newborn checklist.
The basics:
Singlets, sleepsuits, bodysuits, leggings, and a couple of dressy outfits. Some parents like to have a special outfit for their newborn to come home in, too.
Weather-appropriate wear:
Cardigans, jumpers, mittens, and jackets. Our
selection of newborn-friendly clothessuit all kinds of weather, plus all the baby must haves you'll want.
The extras:
Socks, hats, mitten, bibs and anything else your newborn needs to feel comfortable and stylish. We’ve got an adorable and practical range of
baby accessoriesworth checking out.
Who doesn’t love a good bath? Some of the most precious memories you create with your baby will centre around bath time. Add these newborn essentials to your list to get started.
Bath wash:
The gentler, the better when it comes to newborns.
A soft, clean washcloth can be used to clean your new baby and lay on their stomach while they’re in the bath.
Hooded towel:
Newborn babies deserve the cuddliest hooded towels to greet them after their baths. Our absorbent and
soft terry towel optionis incredibly cosy.
Bath toys:
Some easy-to-grab bath toys can make bath time even better as your newborn starts to grow. Floating books, squeezable friends, and stuff that spouts water - all fun.
Soon enough, packing and checking your baby’s bag will become second nature. For now, tick these items off your nappy bag essentials list so you can be prepared for outings once your baby arrives.
Baby wipes:
Perfect for those emergency nappy explosions and quick wipe-downs.
Change of clothes:
At least one set of baby's clothes spare, and possibly two.
Muslin wraps:
A light wrap doubles as a feeding cover, pram sun shield, blanket or emergency place to change your baby.
Feeding supplies
: If you're breastfeeding, consider packing breast pads, burp cloths, and anything else you need to feel comfortable. Bottles? One or two with formula or breast milk and insulation to keep it warm.
We recommend 2-3 nappies in a bag on your standard outing and an extra nappy for every hour you plan on leaving the house.
One of the best ways to bond with your baby is through play. And thankfully, there’s no shortage of fun, interactive, and engaging things ways to do it. Add these to your newborn checklist for age-appropriate baby toys.
Sensory toys:
Newborns are a bit small for most toys, but they can touch and hear sensory toys at any age.
Babies are never too young for a good story. Get into the habit of
reading booksat bedtime when they’re newborns, and you can give them the best start in life.
Some babies love to hold and feel a comforter or
soft toy, even when they’re not sleeping.
Leaving the house with a baby is a journey in itself, so you want to be prepared. Whether you’re heading on a road trip or preparing your car for what's to come, these are must-haves for your newborn checklist before baby arrives.
Car seat:
Safety is paramount here. Always follow legislation about the suitable and safest infant car seat and positions for their age.
Car mirror:
This one is for your peace of mind. A car mirror gives you a view of your newborn from the front seat, so you always know they’re okay.
These days, we’re spoilt for choice with prams and strollers. Think about the features you value most and choose accordingly to make life easier.
As one of the most precious times in your life, preparing for a newborn is magical and exciting. Get everything you need for your newborn’s arrival – and your peace of mind - with our range of beautiful newborn baby essentials.
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