How to Start Toilet Training With a Toddler
9 min read | 28 March 2021
3 min read | 02 September 2019
A good approach is to look at your home from your child’s perspective—getting down low and checking for areas of mini curiosity. Ensure furniture is secure; toilet lids are down and even locked; blind cords are hooked out of reach; and medications and cleaning equipment is put away. As your baby explores their world one square foot at a time, it’s important to keep them safe.
Often at 12 months, your child is more inclined to be anxious when separated from you. They may feel anxious or shy around strangers and often have a distinct preference for people and toys they like or don’t like. A common challenge at this age can be a resistance to the daytime naps you’ve enjoyed as one of your few luxuries or me-times. The importance of maintaining a sense of routine at this time is crucial to ensure they continue to feel secure in the process of settling.
Play, songs and reading simple books are beautiful activities to share with your little one. Peek-a-boo is a good game to build a strong personal connection but also a perfect method to teach your child that a person continues to exist even when you can’t see them—a lovely lesson to calm and comfort your child about your constant proximity, even when out of sight.
Walking is just the beginning of the adventures you and this little one will have together.
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