Hospital Bag Checklist
8 min read | 9 September 2019
6 min read | 13 November 2024
When designing the Australiana collection, the focus was not just to create a beautiful range of practical and high-quality products featuring Australian-inspired prints, but we also wanted this collection to raise awareness and funds for a charity close to Purebaby’s heart.
The Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) is one of our most-loved charity partners, as they share many of the same values as us, all the while supporting Australia’s diverse ecology of native animals. Partnering with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy is our way of giving back to the community and our country by supporting them in the amazing work they do.
The Australian Wildlife Conservancy, is the largest private (not-for-profit) owner and manager of land for conservation in Australia. As one of the largest conservation not-for-profits in Australia, their mission is the sustainable conservation of all Australian native animal species and the habitats in which they live.
From Koalas to Sugar Gliders, currently, the AWC protects some of the nation’s most iconic and endangered wildlife through their network of wildlife sanctuaries in remote and iconic regions, such as the Kimberley, Cape York, central Australia and the Top End.
Ecological health monitoring
Ecological research
Feral animal control and containment
Fire management
Plant and weed control
Wildlife translocations
When designing the collection, we took inspiration from our favourite native animals, including koalas, emus, wombats, cockatoos and possums, plus native fauna and landscapes.
Our Australiana collection is made up of styles including baby growsuits, sets, gift packs and accessories. Just like our full range of baby clothing and accessories, the styles in the Australiana collection have been crafted using the softest, organic cotton materials, to protect delicate young newborn skin. These styles are all practical pieces for any newborn wardrobe and they also make the perfect gift for special little ones!
What’s extra special about this collection is that $1 from selected styles sold is donated to the Australian Wildlife Conservancy. In the last year, Purebaby has proudly supported AWC to deliver some ground-breaking results, through a science-backed, land management model. AWC’s process of sustainable conservation now extends across more than 12.9 million hectares of Australia.
Translocations of nine mammal species were completed across four sanctuaries and partnership areas. Five of these species were restored to areas where they have been lost and four were translocations to supplement existing reintroduced populations.
AWC’s annual Easter Bilby census revealed that Bilby numbers increased on AWC sanctuaries by an estimated 20%!
Conservation took a giant leap forward with the establishment of the landmark AWC – North Australian Pastoral Company partnership across 6 million hectares, seeing conservation and pastoralism working side by side for the benefit of biodiversity. Success at Bullo River Station (NT) paved the way for this exciting new partnership.
AWC’s partnership with the Department of Defence at Yampi Sound Training Area in the Kimberly was extended and the ecological survey program significantly expanded. Over the next two years, Dambimangari Traditional Owners and AWC will build a better understanding of the biodiversity in this area of international conservation significance.
286,435 trap nights were undertaken as part of AWC’s extensive biodiversity survey program, utilising cage, funnel, pitfall and camera traps.
Fire management was delivered across 7.5 million hectares helping to limit the frequency, severity, and extent of devastating late-season wildfires.
11,246 feral predators and herbivores were removed from AWC sanctuaries and partnership sites, allowing Australia’s wildlife to thrive.
AWC scientists and research partners have published 31 peer-reviewed articles on research carried out on AWC sanctuaries and partnership sites, including the publication of findings from AWC’s feral predator research program at Scotia sanctuary to better understand effective management of feral predators. These publications continue to further AWC’s legacy as a global leader in science-informed conservation.
For more information on the Australian Wildlife Conservancy, visit their website.
Shop the Australiana collection and support the AWC in-store + online.
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