Newborn Baby Clothing Checklist
9 min read | 16 November 2021
7 min read | 09 August 2020
From everyday essentials like clothes and socks, to big-ticket items like a cot and a pram, stocking up on all the necessities can seem overwhelming. Creating a baby registry is a great way to make this a more manageable (and enjoyable!) task.
A baby registry is normally used for a Baby shower. It is a list of all the baby products that new parents would like to receive as gifts from their friends and family. The products on a registry can range from clothes and toys, to cots and prams - anything you think you’ll need (or want!) when your little one arrives, can be added to your registry. A baby registry helps your friends and family select the perfect baby gift, one they know you need.
Baby registries can be set up at different stores depending on what’s on your list. Many retailers and brands offer online gift registries, giving you the flexibility to add products to your registry from the comfort of your home.
You can start setting up your baby registry as soon as you like. In fact, the sooner you set it up, the more time you’ll have to research and browse for the items you need.
If you’re setting up a baby registry online, you can add products to your list gradually as you think of things you need before you share your registry details with your friends and family.
You can share your baby registry details with anyone who would like to buy you a gift to celebrate the arrival of your little one, including family members, friends or colleagues.
If you’re having a baby shower, make sure your registry is completed before you send your invitations. Send your baby shower registry details with your invitations four to six weeks before your shower to give your guests plenty of time to select the perfect gift.
Your baby registry should include all the essential items you need for the arrival of your little one - from a pair of newborn socks to a top-of-the-range pram. In fact, it’s best to include items across a range of price points on your registry to give your friends and family options depending on their budget.
If you’re becoming a parent for the second (or third, or fourth!) time, your baby registry will be smaller as there are a number of items you can reuse, including clothes, blankets, toys, cots and prams. Check they are clean, in good condition and meet current safety standards before handing them on to your next baby.
There are countless items you can include on your baby registry, and it can be difficult to know what’s a must-have and what’s a nice-to-have. Here’s a list of all the essential items you should add to your registry.
When adding baby clothing to your registry, it’s a good idea to include a variety of sizes as most babies grow out of newborn sizes quickly.
, including:
Beanies and knot hats
Baby bathtub
Fragrance-free soap
Baby shampoo
Laundry detergent for sensitive skin
Cot or bassinet with firm, flat mattress
, both light and heavy
Waterproof mattress pads
Baby monitor
Toy basket
Rocking chair or armchair
Bottle brush
Bottle drying rack
Breast pump
Milk storage bags
Nipple cream
Breast pads
Breastfeeding support pillow
Maternity bras
Change table or cushioned changing pad with safety strap
Nappy cream
Baby wipes
Activity mat
Stroller or pram
Baby car seat
Baby carrier
Nappy bag
Baby First Aid Kit
Baby nail clippers
Baskets or tubs for storage
This list can be adapted based on your personal needs, however it should help as a reference, whether you are creating a baby registry for the first time or looking for gift ideas for new or soon to be parents.
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